- Information and Communication Technology Office (ICTO) - https://icto.um.edu.mo/?lang=pt-pt -

Data loss happens all the time. Do you have a data backup plan?

Among the information security measures, having a good backup plan is very important. Actually, the only way to protect yourself against valuable data loss is through regular backups. Ideally, backup of important files should be done at least once a week, or every day, depending on how critical they are to you.

Occasionally, we notice the incidents about losing important documents or valuable family photos due to the hard disk crashed or mobile phone misplaced. In addition, you might be the victim of ransomware or any malicious attacks, which causes you to reinstall the computer with no choices and give up the data stored in the computer. Currently, the computers provided by ICTO are installed with automatic backup programs by default. However, for some computers which were not provided by ICTO, it is easy to be neglected about data backup. Therefore, in order to make it easy for you to develop a safe and reliable backup solution, here are some tips which may help you:

Besides computers, it is also necessary to conduct data backup for mobile devices. Currently, popular mobile devices usually provide built-in data backup features. For more details, you can refer to the official information of your mobile device. In case of choosing a cloud service, you must consider a secure and reliable service provider, no matter it is a free or paid service. In addition, most cloud service providers have data centers in different regions, and most of them will be located outside Macao. In case of using cloud services that involve the storage of sensitive data, it is important to consider whether they comply with relevant University policies and local laws and regulations. *1,2,3,4,5,6,7

* Reference

  1. Office for Personal Data Protection, Macao
  2. Personal Data Protection Act, Macao
  3. Privacy Policy, UM
  4. Guidelines for Handling Confidential Information, UM
  5. What you need to know about EU General Data Protection Regulation?
  6. How can I identify a phishing, fake email and websites?
  7. Data Privacy in an Era of Compliance