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IT Security Alerts

Be aware of the email with suspicious attachment named “A letter of complaint on University of Macau.rar”

To: All Users Many users reported that they received a suspicious email with password protected attachment named “A letter of complaint on University of Macau.rar”. Please DO NOT OPEN this attachment. This attachment contains a suspected Trojan. Usually, to compress an attachment with password can be used to bypass Anti-virus system. If you open it, […]

Please Do Not Respond to Phishing Email (31-Mar-2015)

Dear Users, You may have received email similar to the above phishing email, which seems to be sent by ICTO. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this kind of emails which purposely asking for your user name and password. ICTO will NOT ask you for these information through email or web page. If you have responded […]

Critical Security Notice for OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability

To All Users, The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) have issued warnings on the vulnerability that found in OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 through 1.0.1f, and version 1.0.2-beta including version 1.0.2-beta1.   Original release date 8 April 2014 Description This vulnerability allows remote hackers to retrieve sensitive information without authentication through incorrect memory handling in the […]

Important System Security Update for Shellshock

To All Users, Please be informed that a high security vulnerability in UNIX Bash shell (Shellshock, also known as Bashdoor) was disclosed on 24 Sept. 2014, which would eventually let remote attackers bypass system authentication and execute arbitrary commands. Affected systems: – CentOS – Mac OS – Redhat Enterprise Linux – Ubuntu – And any systems which utilize BASH as the […]

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