Text Only

Web Hosting for Department

Service Overview

UM Web Content Management System (WebCMS) is a user-friendly and highly customizable system. Users can easily update and publish information to web without knowing too much about the techniques of writing web pages. It is opened to departments and academic units for any websites establishment.

Getting started


Please contact ICTO Help Desk with description of the website purpose and requirements.


  • Provide a list of easily customizable themes & templates
  • Support multi-device (mobiles, laptops, desktops, etc.)
  • Support multi-language
  • Support multimedia, e.g. photos (jpg, png), videos (mp4, Youtube), documents (docx, pdf), etc.
  • Provide visual editor with auto-save and version control
  • Provide publishing approval workflow
  • Support role-based access control and users can be assigned as administrator, editors, author, etc.

Learn more

Please visit here for more information.


Eligible Users

  • Staff

Service Available Hours

  • Mon – Sun
    24 hours

Service Support Hours

  • Mon – Thu
    09:00 – 13:00
    14:00 – 17:45
  • Fri
    09:00 – 13:00
    14:00 – 17:30



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